A downloadable game for Windows

Welcome to Dr. T.'s office, specializing in the treatment of nightmares with her hypnotic ability to delve into the patient's mind.

Three new cases have arrived at the office, and Dr. T. must use her expertise to search through their tangled memories that cause nightmares, deciding which memories to use to combat the nightmares and which to discard, as only some will be able to multiply by the nightmare to achieve the desired outcome... but what is that outcome? The solution will come from giving each patient a happy ending.


Dr. T. is not a real doctor; her treatment and conclusions should not be taken seriously. If you have any mental health issues that require psychological assistance, please seek help from a professional.


OK OK that "BACK" button is "CREDITS" my bad...

And I didn't credit the open font "open sans" that I used...


Memories X Nightmares 45 MB

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