My jam entry, not finished... It's playable but with no ending XD

You play as Ember, a girl who lives in a cabin in the countryside. A UFO crashes in her garden, white balls come out of it and flee into the nearby forest, then an ugly alien comes out and asks for help to capture them, he claims to be a space policeman and those balls are aliens who were taking them to prison.

Al, the ugly alien, gives you a special helmet that turns your energy into balls to capture escaped aliens (just stun them, the good ones don't kill).

How to play:
Move: ASDW
Shoot: press and hold left mouse button
Net: with the E bar full, press right mouse button

Shoot stun balls of energy at the white aliens in the forest (well, it's a meadow, I've just started pixel art...), when they get tired they'll turn light yellow and lie on their backs, then shoot the yellow energy net to trap them in little balls that will follow your helmet.

For every alien caught, your battery charge goes up, when the battery is full it will be indicated by the number of charged batteries, use these batteries to get the alien at home to lend you his super walking simulator game famous throughout the galaxy.

But there are different sizes of aliens, so you have to change the scale of the energy balls in the net to be able to capture them, because if the net is too big, the small ones escape through the gaps, and if it is too small, the big ones are not affected. To scale the net, you need 5 full batteries for Al to upgrade your helmet.


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good job!!

Thank you!